“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.” Tony Hsieh
The more money you make the more you spend. You know how it goes, you get a raise and for a moment you have more money left over each week. Not too long after that you spend more and end up with the same few dollars before the next payday. Money is not a sign of success even though so many view it as such.
In your journey to finding success it is important that you not become wrapped up in the feeling that the dollar amount on your paycheck is equal to your self-worth. Chasing the money instead of the passion will cause you to feel like you aren’t paid what you feel you are worth. It will cause you to perform at the level you feel you are being paid to perform at. This leads to mediocrity and makes your journey to success an uphill battle.
When you focus on chasing the passion, on providing a great service or nurturing an idea of a better way to accomplish results a wonderful thing happens. You inspire yourself and you inspire others on your team. Success can be measured in many different ways but it cannot be measured or achieved based on your financial compensation.
Stop feeling less than worthy. Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.
Success can be measured in many different ways just not this way. #FindingSuccess
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